Juried Artist + Exhibitor Application

Online Application

Artist + Exhibitor Application

"*" indicates required fields

*This is the genre you will be listed under online and in the Sourcebook. Use CTRL+Click to select to show work in multiple genres.
A juried artist shows a single item on a pedestal and is eligible for awards. The Western Design Conference takes no commission and serves to unite exhibiting artists with the public and trade.
Three digital images (high resolution, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, tiff accepted) which are representative of your work and depict your craftsmanship. Images do not have to be of your intended jury entry. If you prefer, email files directly to: moc.ecnerefnocngisednretsewobfsctd-7d879a@ofni
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, tiff, Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 5.
    With this application, please include:
    •$50 non-refundable jury fee payable to the Western Design Conference.
    •Three digital images (5x7"and 300 dpi in resolution), which are representative of your work.
    • Label all materials with your company name.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Show Information

    Click below for complete guidelines, price list, event schedule and show details.

    After March 1, 2024 a $25 late fee is required.

    Application Deadline March 1, 2024

    As a Juried Artist applicant, your work will be judged against all other participating applicants in the categories of Accents, Art to Wear – Fashion, Art to Wear – Jewelry, Mixed Media, Leather, Metal, and Woodworking. Only 100 artists will be selected through this initial jury process to display their work on a pedestal at the Western Design Conference Exhibit + Sale. 

    Acceptance notification: March 5, 2024.

    Nearly $20,000 in cash awards is presented annually. Please present photos and descriptions that best depict the custom, handcrafted, and unique attributes of your FUNCTIONAL ART.

    If you are accepted to show your work at the Western Design Conference, our expectations are that you will show a piece on your pedestal that has not been previously displayed to the public.  Booth space is available for additional work.

    Application by Email or Mail *

    Return this application to:
    Western Design Conference
    PO Box 7889 Jackson, WY 83002
    Phone: 307-690-9719

    * With this application, please include:

    • $50 non-refundable jury fee payable to Western Design Conference.
    • Three digital images by email (5×7″ and 300 dpi in resolution) which are representative of your work.
    • Label all materials with your company name.
    Shopping Cart

    Digital Sourcebook

    Available September 10th

    This year’s Western Design Exhibit + Sale will be online through a new virtual marketplace.  SOURCE, COMMISSION + SHOP the Best of the West via our interactive Digital Sourcebook – online September 10. 

    Follow Us for Sneak Peaks